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No New Posts Tall Rock

This is a tall boulder that allows the leader to look over the entire camp when speaking. Ceremonies and meetings are held here.

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No New Posts The Burrows

Windclan cats love to sleep outside but during leaf-bare they come inside at night to thier burrows. These burrows were most likely made by foxes, rabbitts, or badgers.

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No New Posts Medcine Cats Den

This is old fox den, where the medicine cat stores herbs and sleeps. The den is covered with grass that serves as an entrance come here if your feeling ill.

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Windclan Camp

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Windclan Camp
Tucked into a natural dip in the sandy moor, WindClan's camp is sheltered from the ever-present wind but has proved vulnerable to attack. Members of this Clan make up for the supposed weakness by keeping watchful and taking advantage of the open terrain of their territory, so that they always have ample warning before an enemy strikes.
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